February Ipsy Unboxing!

Happy Valentine's Day lovelies!!! I hope you all had an amazing day full of self love and sharing love with others! Today, I'd like to share the love I feel for my Ipsy bag! If you're interested in joining Ipsy, here's my referral code (I get 250 points if you use it! If you're not … Continue reading February Ipsy Unboxing!

January Favs and Fails!

Hello lovelies! I know it's been a while since my last post, but I promise I will start with a regular posting schedule as soon as possible! Last week the opera I was in had tech week and then it opened and I started student teaching. But, I'm finally getting into a schedule and a … Continue reading January Favs and Fails!

January Ipsy Unboxing!

Hello lovelies! So, I just got my Ipsy glam bag yesterday and I am SO excited to share it with you! If you don't know what Ipsy is, it's a monthly beauty subscription where you pay $10 a month and you get 5 sample sized beauty products all in a cute little bag! If you're … Continue reading January Ipsy Unboxing!